Levels 7 & 8 All Strands

Level descriptors reflect the strand specific enduring understandings by describing key knowledge, understanding and learning processes aligned to levels of learning achievement.

They explain the content to be taught and promote engagement in analysis, synthesis and evaluation.

Achievement standards indicate the quality of learning (the extent of knowledge, the depth of understanding and the sophistication of skills) students should typically demonstrate by a particular point in their schooling.

Level Descriptor

Learning Process
To ensure full expression of the content students will:

Achievement Standard
By the end of Level 8 students working at standard will be able to:

Strand: Christian Ethics – Personal and Social

Good and evil in the world is a lived reality of human beings. Christians are called to respond to both realities in a way that reflects the understanding that human beings are made in the image and likeness of God.


Explore the concepts of good and evil from a Christian perspective. 

Investigate the concepts of good and evil from the Christian perspective and identify ways in which people can grow in goodness. 

Humans by their nature are imperfect. Sinfulness is experienced when people make poor choices and, as a result of these poor choices, humanity is diminished. Christians are continually called to seek forgiveness and to forgive others.


Interpret the concept of sin, forgiveness and redemption from the Christian perspective.

Explain how sin affects the world (both personal and social) and, from the Christian perspective, how forgiveness and redemption can bring about God’s dream for the world.

Informed by Catholic social teaching, the Christian life is located in a community of dialogue and cooperation.


Explore the principles of Catholic social teaching and evaluate their contribution to the greater good.

Investigate the principles of Catholic social teaching and how those principles contribute to the greater good.

Strand: Church and Tradition

Inspired by the Holy Spirit, the early Christian community responded to Jesus’ call to promote the Reign of God.


Explore the early Christian communities and how the Holy Spirit inspired and supported these Christian communities.

Examine and give examples of how the Holy Spirit inspired and enabled the early Christian community to endure, grow and live their lives supporting one another to keep alive the Jesus story.


Although imperfect, the Church and its presence in community (eg schools, hospitals, welfare organisations etc) reveals the enduring presence of God and calls the community to live lives of service working for the mission of the Church. 


Investigate the history and current works of Catholic institutes and/or organisations that work for the mission of the Church.

Investigate the work of Catholic institutes and/or organisations as a response to God’s call as partners in the mission of the Church.

Mary’s commitment to God’s call finds expression in the world today.


Identify expressions of Christian discipleship today that reflect characteristics of Mary as the first disciple. 

Explore the characteristics of Mary’s discipleship that influence the lives of people today.

Strand: God, Religion and Society

God is revealed to us through Scripture, Jesus, creation and human experience. This reality is expressed to Christians as a Trinity of divine persons - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


Explore the mystery of the Trinity through an understanding of:

  • God the Creator 
  • God the Son, (God the Saviour)
  • God the Spirit (God the Inspirer).

Explore different expressions of the Christian understanding of the mystery of the Trinity.


Christians are challenged to find ways of respectful engagement with those of other faith traditions and world views in ways that promote the common good for all.


Investigate how people of different world views (religious and non-religious) work together for the common good of all.

Examine how Christians work respectfully with those of other world views to promote the common good of all.

Religion and systems of belief are a way to help people understand the mystery of life and what it means to be human.


Investigate how religious or other philosophies of life address what it means to be human.

Compare and contrast different systems of belief in what it means to be human.

 Prayer, Liturgy and Sacraments

As Christian communities have formed through time, their identity and offering of praise to God has been expressed through prayer, liturgy and sacraments. Each sacrament has its own history, symbols and rituals reflecting local customs.


Examine the rituals, symbols and history of the chosen Catholic Christian sacrament/s.

Articulate the life giving nature of the sacrament/s for Catholic Christian communities today. 


Christians believe that various prayer forms enable people to grow in relationship with God, others and creation.


Investigate various forms of Christian prayer as a way of both deepening peoples’ relationships with each other and deepening the Christian’s relationship with God.

Explain how prayer, for Christians, can be an opportunity to deepen relationships with others, God and creation.

Scripture, Israel and Jesus

The Bible is a recognised collection of inspired religious texts. SIJL7-8E1

Identify and explore the different literary forms which make up the Old and New Testament and reflect upon the sacred significance of the Bible.

Analyse Scripture stories using the Three Worlds of the Text method. 


Scripture helps people to understand God’s relationship with people in different times and places. This relationship has been expressed as a covenant between God and God’s people.


Explore the concept of covenant in the Old and New Testament and investigate how people, despite their failings, have tried to live their lives in ‘right relationship’ with God, self, others and creation.

Explore Scripture to uncover the nature of covenantal relationships.

A central theme of the life of Jesus was to proclaim God’s dream for the world (reign of God). Christians are called to live their lives and work towards the fulfilment of God’s dream. 


Research Scripture passages which inform and present the teachings of Jesus to guide the flourishing of people in their daily lives.

Describe the link between the reign of God proclaimed by Jesus and the invitation to live a Christian life to realise God’s dream for the world.