Levels 3 & 4 All Strands

Level descriptors reflect the strand specific enduring understandings by describing key knowledge, understanding and learning processes aligned to levels of learning achievement.

They explain the content to be taught and promote engagement in analysis, synthesis and evaluation.

Achievement standards indicate the quality of learning (the extent of knowledge, the depth of understanding and the sophistication of skills) students should typically demonstrate by a particular point in their schooling.

Level Descriptor

Learning Process
To ensure full expression of the content students will:

Achievement Standard
By the end of Level 4 students working at standard will be able to:

Strand: Christian Ethics – Personal and Social

God’s love calls people to live justly and peacefully; to serve others with respect, sensitivity, compassion and love.


Generate and justify ways in which Christians as disciples respond to the call to be active witnesses to God’s love in the world.

Provide examples of how Christians are called to be active witnesses as disciples to God’s love.

Motivated by God's love for all, Christians seek to grow in holiness, making loving choices that reflect the dignity of self, others and creation (human and other than human).


Discern the role of conscience in developing and maintaining right relationship, where decisions are motivated by God’s love for all and a call to holiness.

Explain how in following Jesus, Christians are called to make loving choices that nurture right relationship.

Strand: Church and Tradition

Mary the mother of God is an example of faith and self-giving love.


Explore how Mary's faith in demonstrated through courageous action that incorporates both contemplation and service as the model of discipleship.

Identify how Mary the mother of God through her life is an example of faith and self-giving love.

The Holy Spirit empowers the Church community to be people of unity and justice through witness and ministry.


Suggest how the Church community, by their witness, can become people of unity and justice through the action of the Holy Spirit.

Describe how the Church community can become people of unity and justice through the action of the Holy Spirit.

Strand: God, Religion and Society

Knowledge and understanding of aspects of religions and other worldviews enables self-understanding, co-operation and the promotion of the common good.


Name the commonalities and differences in and between religious and other worldviews that challenge people to respectful engagement with others.

Identify a variety of aspects of religious beliefs and worldviews that challenge people towards self-understanding and co-operation.

Christians believe in the sacredness of life and that humanity is created in the image and likeness of God and is forever growing.


Explore and imagine different images of God and how they reflect the sacredness of life.

Explain how Christians believe in the sacredness of life.

 Strand: Prayer, Liturgy and Sacraments

Eucharist completes the process of initiation into the Church for Catholic Christians. It continually calls Christians to live lives of ministry and service in Jesus' name. 


Link the relationship between Eucharist and living out the mission of Jesus.

Describe how the celebration of the Eucharist is lived out in full ministry and service in the life of the Church.

Prayer and liturgy express and deepen the loving relationship between God and the community of faith.


Examine examples of prayer and liturgy through focus on Scripture, silence, music, actions and rituals.

Link the importance of prayer and liturgy to ways that help the community of faith develop and enrich a relationship with God.

Through the sacrament of Reconciliation (Penance), the Church celebrates forgiveness, reconciliation and God's unconditional love.


Consider ways that God's unconditional love is celebrated in the sacrament of Reconciliation.

Explain how the sacrament of Reconciliation celebrates God's love.

Strand: Scripture, Israel and Jesus

Scripture is the living voice of God that speaks through a variety of literary forms that convey the original author’s intention for their time.


Differentiate the style and author’s purpose from among a selection of literary forms contained in Scripture, speaking to their lives and their world.

Explore selected literary forms of Scripture to understand messages from Old and New Testament.

Jesus’ actions, healings and miracles announced the reign of God.


Connect Jesus' participation in the reign of God with how it speaks to the lives and the world of the Christian today.

Connect Jesus' actions, healings and miracles to how they reveal the reign of God.