Strand: Church and Tradition (CTL7-8E3)

Level 7 and 8

Mary’s commitment to God’s call, finds expression in the world today.

Identify expressions of Christian discipleship today that reflect characteristics of Mary as the first disciple with influence for people of any religious belief or philosophy.


The Church honours Mary as the Mother of God. Contemporary Church thinking about Mary focuses on her as a model disciple in the way she heard and carried out God’s word. In the Gospel of Luke, Mary is a prophet who announces the coming reign of God. She is shown as the model follower of Jesus.

From the Christian perspective, discipleship is a way of life that must involve significant risk, hope and a willingness to speak out in urgent, self-sacrificing and counter-cultural ways to lift up the message and values of Jesus’ good news. Today a Christian disciple, commissioned by the Spirit of Jesus, is called to reach out to various persons, groups and cultures to share Jesus’ gospel message regarding the reign of God - to heal human hurts, and to serve the poor.

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