Strand: Scripture, Israel and Jesus (SIJL7-8E3)

Levels 7 and 8

A central theme of the life of Jesus, a Jew of his time, was to proclaim the ‘Reign of God’ as an expression of God’s dream for the world. Christians are called to allow the Reign of God to shape their lives and their work in and for the world.

Research Scripture passages which inform and present the teachings of Jesus to guide the flourishing of people in their daily lives.


The Bible gives a description of what the Reign of God is like as it describes how Jesus lived, acted and related. God is faithful and merciful. Each person of faith is called to be faithful to God and to participate in the living covenant.

The Reign of God is a paradox. Because of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection it has already come, but the faithful also know that it will not be complete until the end of time. They will fully experience the Reign of God when they live in eternity with God. All people who follow Jesus are called to continue to allow the Reign of God to shape their lives and the world. The Reign of God is about living as Jesus taught and breaking down all barriers that stand between one person and another, all which divides between “us” and “them”, to bring all human beings into good and life-giving relationship with God and with one another.

Examples in Scripture include but are not limited to:

1 Cor 11: 23-26 ; 1 Cor 13:1-13 Jn 13: 31-35 Lk 15:11-32; Lk 4:16-21

Learning Lite: Covenant, Right Relationship, Witness.

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Learning Lite: Covenant, Right Relationship, Witness.

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